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Each episode of The Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast helps people manage anxiety and depression and find creative ways to add more emotional well-being into their lives. Do you have a tip or trick or exercise you would like to share to help listeners feel better? (required)
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What social media handles will you promote the episode on, on what dates, and how many times do you plan to promote it on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter? Do you plan to do any Facebook or Instagram LIVES or post Reels talking about the episode? Please outline your marketing plan for the episode. (required)
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Please go to the Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast,, look through the episode titles, listen to at least one episode, make sure you feel you are a good fit for the show, and if you feel you are, please leave a rating and a comment and encourage anyone you know who could use more light in their lives- to subscribe to the show! (required) Yes, I think I am a good fit for the Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast.