Today on the Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast, I share how opening yourself up to the unknown can pave the way for magic to flow into your life. 

I randomly decided I needed to have this conversation with her on the podcast when I the photo of her hitch hiking through Alaska, and the quote: “And at the end of the day your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling.”

I thought– I have no idea who this person is, or what she does, but she gets me. Because I too go through so much of my life barefoot with tangles in my hair, chasing the things that light me up.

This conversation was exactly what my soul needed in this moment. To be reminded of all the magic that can happen when you let go of fear and allow yourself to be open to the adventure.

Of course she turned out to be the perfect guest for the show, she’s a Spiritual Coach!!! Who helps people who are beginning their spiritual journeys, create a life filled with meaning, intention and expansion.

If you want to do something that would help me out more than you can even imagine, please subscribe to and like the podcast. please take a second to do that now- on Apple or Spotify.

And if you really want to light me up so bright- if you could write me a comment on the podcast and even share the show with a friend, that would be so awesome!!!

If you want to get in touch, I do offer private coaching to help people feel better- and would be happy to help anyone you know who is looking to light up their life!
You can reach me at
I used to think it was selfish to focus on self care, but then I realized that when you show up with good energy, your light inspires the light to force its way out of others so that they can let themselves sparkle too. You are an instrument of change, adding so much light to the world.

Special thanks to Cathy Heller and her podcast “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” for the inspiration to put this show together, and for her song Gonna Make a Change which is featured in the episode.