This week on the Let Yourself Sparkle PodcastCharlene Gethons teaches us how avoid getting caught up in worry and fear through her mindfulness based stress reduction practice to manage  anxiety.

She has a remarkable story about how these practices have transformed her life.

Charlene is a psychotherapist, mindfulness meditation teacher, speaker and coach. After sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury in a motor vehicle accident in 2013, Charlene discovered mindfulness and used it to navigate her difficult and challenging circumstances. These days, Charlene is helping others learn how to be more resilient, to face their doubts and fears and to do hard and challenging things. As part of her business, The Mindfulness Journey, Charlene uses proven mindfulness practices to empower overwhelmed entrepreneurs to get out of their own way so the they can feel more confident in their choices and decisions. You can find her on Instagram @themindfulnessjourney.

Subscribe to The Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast for weekly tips and tricks to lower stress and anxiety and add the sparkle back to your life, and download my free book at:

Special thanks to Cathy Heller and her podcast “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” for the inspiration to put this show together.  Her song “Gonna Make a Change” is featured in the intro and ending of this podcast.