This week on The Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast, we talk about the scientific link between sleep and happiness. In her book, The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin shares that “millions of people fail to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep a night, and one study revealed that along with work deadlines, a bad nights sleep was one of the top two factors that upset peoples daily moods. Another study suggested that getting one extra hour of sleep each night would do more for a person’s daily happiness than getting a $60,000 raise.”

Certified Sleep Consultant and Scientist, Neha Naik, shares the many benefits of sleep and tips on how we can improve sleep habits.

Special thanks to Cathy Heller and her podcast “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” for the inspiration to put this show together.  Her song “Gonna Make a Change” is featured in the intro and ending of this podcast.