Today on the Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast, Fred Rutman, Intermittent Faster and Coach, Death and Brain Trauma Survivor, shares his story of how he was able to transform his health and wellbeing through a shift in his eating schedule.

Fred is currently writing the medical trauma memoir “The Summer I Died Twenty Times”, and he is Currently living in Toronto. He was a marketing person and college prof (MBA, Marketing and Finance) for a number of years, until the summer of 2009 came crashing down on him and forced him onto permanent medical leave. Something was causing him to what everyone thought was “pass out randomly,” but it was worse than that – It turns out his heart was stopping. He was clinically dead dozens of times. After sustaining multiple concussions, they eventually put him on a pacemaker. Which was great. Until the infallible pacemaker failed in 2013. And 2018, with more complications in 2019 and 2020.

In 2018, he learned about intermittent fasting and his life hasn’t been the same since. He attributes the large majority of his recovery to the healing powers of IF. He has reversed Type 2 diabetes and some of its related issues, and he is no longer asthmatic and his sleep apnea went away. Yes, there is still some perpetual anxiety, PTSD and Post Concussion Syndrome but it gets better every day. Recently, he had the cleanest pacemaker check he has ever had.


He has spent the last 12 years fighting to get his life back. And he has finally found an amazing road to help him heal.

Fred can be reached on Instagram (repeatedly dead Fred)

He is a moderator in the 335,000 member Intermittent Fasting Face Book group:

He is also a moderator in

Here is a link to purchase the book: Delay Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens

Here is the link to the book The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung


After interviewing Fred Rutman on the podcast, I immediately decided to try out Intermittent Fasting on my own. And I am so proud to say, that for the last month and a half, I have been doing either a 12:12, but more often a 14:10. And it is so much easier than I imagined. I have retrained my body to stop binging late at night (which is not healthy for anyone!), and I feel great. I absolutely notice the difference in my skin, I have lost 8 pounds, and feel the brain fog fade away. I have so much more energy than I am used to having, and I feel much more alive. I also am noticing that some scars I had have almost completely faded!!!

I have been telling everyone I know about this, and don’t see a reason to stop eating this way. If you are interested in giving this a try, please discuss it with your doctor, or any other health care professionals, and please let me know if you end up doing it, how much it has helped you heal!

I am so grateful to Fred Rutman for sharing his story with us, and for being such an inspiration and coach to so many. Thank you!!!


It is time to Let Yourself Sparkle!
Evey Rosenbloom is a health and wellness coach who creates customized action plans and simple tools for healing so that you can get your life back and thrive!!!
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If you are looking for accountability and support, and someone to meet with you to help you break free and live and find your way back home to yourself, I offer coaching, and I would love to work with you to help you create a life that you love, wherever you are.
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My clients have danced their way out of depression and skated their way back to life.
Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to help you reconnect with your spark, to remind you that you already have all the tools within you to nourish your body, mind, heart and soul.
I’ll help you remove whatever it is that is dimming your light, so that you can let yourself sparkle.
You can also reach me at
I used to think it was selfish to focus on self care, but then I realized that when you show up with good energy, your light inspires the light to force its way out of others so that they can let themselves sparkle too. You are an instrument of change, adding so much light to the world.

Special thanks to Cathy Heller and her podcast “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” for the inspiration to put this show together, and for her song Gonna Make a Change which is featured in the episode.