Today on the Let Yourself Sparkle Podcast, Grace Lannon shares how we can bring ourselves into the moment, calm our minds, and bring upon healing.

Grace Lannon is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer, and host of the podcast: Angel Face Magic Hour. She is dedicated to bringing her clients into a state of relaxation and transformation. Creating a safe space to honor yourself, Grace aims to help her clients strengthen their own intuition and expand their relationship with self-love. Grace uses a variety of tools such a Reiki Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Crystal Therapy, and Psychic Channeling to provide you insight, information, and energetic healing. Grace uses Intuitive Messages, Akashic Knowledge, Mediumship, Cards, and Crystals to “read” your energy. Grace works with clients for individual sessions and mentorship packages, facilitating workshops, teaching Reiki and Psychic Development.

In the episode, Grace referenced the book Acupressure’s Potent Points by Michael Reed Gach,– when she was talking about various points on the body where we can apply pressure to alleviate feelings of stress/ panic/ anxiety.


What to expect?

Energy Healing

Reiki Sessions are preformed from a distance you can find a comfortable place to lay down in your home for a portion of the session. We will meet Online Via Zoom, sessions can be modified to be a phone appointment if needed. Grace will guide you into a healing Reiki meditation, a portion of the session will devoted to discussing spiritual advice and information that came through during the Energy healing and clearing. You will receive a recording of your session, which you can download to go back and review anything discussed.

Akashic Healing

Akashic Records Readings take a look at your soul’s blueprint. The Akashic Records contain information from the Akasha, to simplify, the Akasha is higher dimension where everything is existing at once, we can see our selves though all dimensions and all time. What the means within the context of a Akashic reading is we can look at your current life, past lives, and potential future information. Akashic Healings bring forward psychic information from your Akashic Records. While we are working on your reading we are also preforming an energy clearing, using Reiki and Holy Fire energy healing. You will receive a recording of your session, which you can download to go back and review anything discussed. You will be laying down for a portion of the call. Sessions are conducted Online over Zoom and can be modified to a phone appointment if needed. In an Akashic Healing we will look at themes from your akashic records and how that knowledge can help you in your current life and situation.

Psychic Readings

Psychic Readings take a look at your present situation and potential futures through channelled messages from your Spirit Team. Grace uses Oracle Cards and Crystals, to “read” your energy. Grace is a claircognizant (psychic knowing) clairsentient (psychic feeling) psychic medium, sharing intuitive guidance and reading your energy and physical body to bring forward suggestions from Spirit to continue your healing work after your session.

Learn more and get in touch through

You can also Follow her on Instagram @angelface.grace and check out her MeetUp Page:


It is time to Let Yourself Sparkle!
Evey Rosenbloom is a health and wellness coach who creates customized action plans and simple tools for healing so that you can get your life back and thrive!!!
If you have not subscribed and liked the podcast yet, please take a second to do that now.
If you are looking for accountability and support, and someone to meet with you to help you break free and live and find your way back home to yourself, I offer coaching, and I would love to work with you to help you create a life that you love, wherever you are.
You can join my coaching program at
My clients have danced their way out of depression and skated their way back to life.
Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to help you reconnect with your spark, to remind you that you already have all the tools within you to nourish your body, mind, heart and soul.
I’ll help you remove whatever it is that is dimming your light, so that you can let yourself sparkle.
You can also reach me at
I used to think it was selfish to focus on self care, but then I realized that when you show up with good energy, your light inspires the light to force its way out of others so that they can let themselves sparkle too. You are an instrument of change, adding so much light to the world.

Special thanks to Cathy Heller and her podcast “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” for the inspiration to put this show together, and for her song Gonna Make a Change which is featured in the episode.